Author Archives for brian

  • Helpful Tips to Reduce Distracted Driving

    The distracted driving epidemic has continued to devastate American roadways. According to, on average, more than 1,000 people are injured on a daily basis,
  • How Waking Up Earlier Can Save Your Life

    Sounds a little dramatic, right? Well, it’s not. Waking up earlier can actually help save your life. But not because being more productive in the
  • Driving Drowsy is Distracted Driving

    Heading home from a late night event and starting to get those heavy eyes? Starting to yawn and rub your eyes during your road trip?
  • Lawmakers mull stricter distracted driving laws after Whitmer’s call for ‘hands-free’ policy

    From MLive: In her first State of the State address, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced her endorsement of “hands-free” legislation banning holding a cell phone while
  • Students learn about distracted driving through simulator

    From NBC25News: Distracted driving can come in many different forms. You can be distracted by a friend, or your cell phone. According to Michigan State